Well-established online e-commerce for women apparels and accessories.
Empolyee: 1, business owner
Location: Home-based
Commitment Level: You can choose to do part-time or full-time.
E-commerce website: $10,000
Inventory: $50,000
(Inventory consists of new stocks of apparels and accessories, mannequin, hanger, packing materials, labels, hanging tags, Profoto home-based photoshoot studio kit)
Training: Offer 1 month training before take over.
Target Age Group: 20-39
We will offer you all the contacts for supplier and manufacturer.
We will hand-hold you to HK and China to meet the manufacturers.
We will give you tips on how to communicate with the manufacturers.
We will provide you a list of newsletter contacts.
We have Facebook and IG account.
Paypal and DBS business bank account details will be provided.
Basically, if you would like to set up an online shop but do not want to go through the trouble of typing all the T&C text and doing brand design and sourcing suppliers and manufacturer... We have done them for you. Online store is ready for takeover. No downtime.
Contact: ng.xinni.dior@gmail.com